Start a new page in your notebook. Remember you will have to follow the instructions of the rubrick!!!
If you don´t finish in class don´t worry, we will finish next week!!
1. Go to Unit 3 in your book and read the cover (page 44)
2. Read pages 46-47 and do the following exercises. Copy the questions, please. Leave space after every answer to make corrections:
a) Find the definition for "feudalism"
b) Make a simple mind-map with the prominent features of feudalism
c) Which were the causes of feudalism? (You have to find 3 different ones) You can discuss with your partner and do the exercise in common.
d) Look at the map called "Invasions in the 9th and 10th centuries".
- Where did Normans come from?
- Where did Hungarians come from?
- Where did Muslims come from?
- Which of those peoples attacked the Iberian Peninsula?
e) Why did kings ask for the help of nobles?
f) What did peasants do to protect themselves?
g) Look at the map "European territories at the end of the 9th century"
- What kingdoms rule over the Iberian Peninsula?
- Can you see the Byzantine Empire?
3. 1. Explain which were the causes of feudalism. Write a full text.
You might need these words: instability, insecurity, unable to protect, protection, swear/swore (jurar), loyalty (lealtad), military help, in exchange for (a cambio de)
3.2. We know kings asked for the help of nobles and had to give them something in return. That established a relation of dependence between the king and a vassal. Where there any other relations of dependence? Explain it.
4. Which are the features of a feudal king? (read 1.3: Feudal monarchy, page 47)
5. Does the king receive any help to govern?
6. Explain what was a fiefdom or manor. (read 2.1: Organisation of the manor.
7. Draw a diagram of the fiefdom
- Name the different parts it had
8. What did peasants (living in the dependent holdings) have to give to their lord (the noble)?
9. Read 3.1 and draw a social pyramid of the feudal times.
10. Which are the main features of feudal society.
11. Read 3.2. What is the commendation ceremony?
12. How do we call the relation that is establised between the lord and a vassal?
13. How do we call the relation that is establised between the peasant and the lord?
14. What are the peasants obliged to give to the lord in exchange for his protection?
15. Romanesque Art (Románico)
a) Find a simple definition for Romanesque.
b) How did it spread through Europe? State if the following are true or false:
- Because many monasteries of the Benedictine Order adopted this style from the main monastery in Cluny
- Because the stonemasons travelled from one place to another copying the same features of this style
- Because the other styles were really ugly
- Because there were pilgrims and crusaders travelling across Europe and spreading the style.
16. Analysing the romanesque architecture.
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San Martín de Fromista, Palencia. Exterior |
Cut and paste the picture of the exterior of San Martín de Fromista, Palencia, in the middle of a page of your notebook. Complete the following:
- What material is it made of?
- Are there many big windows or just a few and small ones?
- Can you find any buttresses?
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San Martín de Fromista, Palencia. Interior |
Cut and paste the picture of the interior of San Martín on the middle of a page. Complete:
- Find the semicircular arch and a pillar
- Find the barrel vault (bóveda de cañón o de barril). What material is it made of? Do you thing it´s heavy?
- Is there a lot of light in the church?
17. Draw an outline of the plan of a romanesque church.
- What shape does it have?
- Do you think it has a symbolic meaning?
18. Romanesque free-standing sculpture
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Christ of Batlló |
Cut and paste the picture of crucified Christ. Complethe the following:
- Do you think the representation is very realistic? Does it look like a real person?
- Does Christ show any suffering?
- How many nails nail him to the cross?
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Virgin of Ger |
Cut and paste the picture of Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus
- Do Mary and Jesus show affection?
- Does Virgin Mary hold her baby like mothers do usually or does she seem to be his throne?
19. Romanesque relief sculpture
Cut and paste the picture of the portal of Santa Fe de Conques. Complethe the following:
- Is the tympanum of the portal filled with figures?
- Can you find a scene in which you can see the final judgement? the devil? and the punishments of the condemned? Christ inside an aureole? good Christians entering heaven?
Project for unit 3.
"My diary"Imagine archaelogists found a really important and rare source: an ancient diary of a boy or girl who lived during the Middle Ages. We could only read a couple of pages, the rest was destroyed.
Imagine what those pages would say!
- Read pages 52-57 and write that diary so we can learn from them how people lived bach in those days.
- Be creative, show things you have learnt and write no more than both sides of a sheet.
- Handwriten or printed
- Spelling, tidiness and expresion are important!
- Due date: december 18th-20th
La Alta Edad Media. El inicio del feudalismo
de la unidad
La Alta Edad Media en Europa estudia el período
de formación del feudalismo entre los siglos IX
y XI. Se inicia con una breve presentación de sus
rasgos básicos, origen y extensión territorial. A continuación, aborda los
caracteres de la organización política, la economía señorial y la sociedad
feudal, analizando la división interna y el modo de vida de cada estamento: la
nobleza, el clero y el campesinado. La unidad se cierra con el estudio del arte
románico en sus tres manifestaciones principales: la arquitectura, la escultura
y la pintura. La técnica de análisis de obras de arte, centrada en la
arquitectura, proporciona una útil metodología para el comentario de obras
arquitectónicas, y ayuda a desarrollar la valoración y el aprecio hacia las manifestaciones
A través de las diferentes actividades
propuestas en la unidad, se pretende que los alumnos y las alumnas adquieran
los conocimientos siguientes:
El feudalismo en
La economía feudal.
El señorío.
La sociedad feudal
y las relaciones de dependencia.
El estamento
nobiliario: ¿cómo vivía la nobleza?
El estamento
eclesiástico: ¿cómo vivía el clero?
El estamento de los
trabajadores y las trabajadoras: ¿cómo vivía el campesinado?
El arte románico.
La arquitectura.
El arte románico.
La escultura y la pintura.
Analizar obras de
arte. La arquitectura.
- Comprobar la progresión en algunas competencias básicas.
1. Estudiar el origen del feudalismo: cronología, origen, extensión y
forma de gobierno.
2. Establecer la organización económica del señorío.
3. Comprender la organización de la sociedad feudal y las relaciones
de dependencia que se establecen entre sus miembros.
4. Conocer la vida cotidiana de la nobleza.
5. Mostrar la importancia de la Iglesia en la Edad Media y conocer el
modo de vida eclesiástico.
6. Conocer aspectos de la vida cotidiana del campesinado en la Edad
7. Descubrir la arquitectura románica: elementos y tipos de edificios.
8. Descubrir la escultura y la pintura románicas.
9. Aprender a analizar obras arquitectónicas.
10. Promover el desarrollo de las
competencias básicas.
Criterios de evaluación
de aprendizaje evaluables |
- El feudalismo en Europa.
- Cronología.
- Origen y extensión.
1. Explicar el origen del feudalismo, y conocer
su extensión y forma de gobierno.
1.1. Identifica causas y alcance del feudalismo.
- La economía feudal. El señorío.
- Organización.
- Trabajos.
2. Conocer el feudo, diferenciar sus partes, y
explicar su autosuficiencia económica.
2.1. Define los componentes del feudo.
2.2. Explica la autosuficiencia económica del
- La sociedad feudal y las relaciones de
- La división en estamentos.
- Las relaciones de dependencia.
3. Reconocer la sociedad feudal y las
relaciones de dependencia existentes.
3.1. Elabora una pirámide estamental medieval.
- El estamento nobiliario: ¿cómo vivía la
4. Comprender el modo de vida de la nobleza.
4.1. Detalla las diferencias entre alta y baja
- El estamento eclesiástico: ¿cómo vivía el
5. Comprender las actividades de la iglesia y
el modo de vida del clero.
5.1. Realiza un esquema con las actividades de
la Iglesia.
5.2. Clasifica a los miembros del clero.
- El estamento de los trabajadores: ¿cómo
vivía el campesinado?
6. Conocer la forma de vida del
campesinado, y la aldea campesina y sus viviendas.
6.1. Analiza la vida campesina.
6.2. Describe una aldea y sus viviendas.
- El arte románico.
- La arquitectura.
7. Conocer
los caracteres básicos de la arquitectura románica.
7.1. Explica las características de la
arquitectura románica.
- El arte románico.
- La escultura.
- La pintura.
8. Reconocer
obras de escultura y pintura románicas.
8.1. Analiza una escultura y
una pintura románicas.
- Analizar obras de arte. La arquitectura.
9. Analizar
correctamente obras de arte arquitectónicas.
9.1. Analiza la arquitectura
- Comprobar la progresión en algunas
competencias básicas.
10. Desarrollar
competencias básicas.
10.1. Desarrolla competencias
The Early Middle Ages. The
beginning of feudalism
The Early Middle Ages in Europe studies the period of formation of feudalism
between the 9th and 11th centuries. It begins with a
brief overview of its main features, origin and territorial scope. Next, it
addresses the characteristics of its political organisation, the manorial
economy and feudal society, analysing the internal division and the way each
estate lived: the nobility, the clergy and the commoners. The unit closes with
the study of Romanesque Art in its three main expressions: architecture,
sculpture and painting. The technique of analysing works of art, focused on
architecture, provides a useful methodology for the discussion of architectural
works, and helps develop the valuation and appreciation of artistic expressions.
The various activities presented
throughout the unit are designed to help students acquire knowledge on the following:
Feudalism in Europe.
Feudal economy. The
Feudal society and
dependent relationships.
The noble estate: How nobles lived
The clergy: How
clerics lived
The commoners’ or
workers’ estate: How peasants lived
Romanesque Art. Architecture.
Romanesque Art. Sculpture
and painting.
Analysing works of
art. Architecture.
Checking progress
in the development of some core competences.
1. To study the origin of feudalism: timeline,
origin, scope and form of government.
2. To establish the economic organisation of the
3. To understand the organisation of feudal
society and the relationships of dependence established among its members.
4. To know the everyday life of the nobility.
5. To show the importance of he Church in the
Middle Ages and to know the Church’s way of life.
6. To know aspects of the commoners’ everyday
life in the Middle Ages.
7. To discover Romanesque architecture: elements
and types of buildings.
8. To discover Romanesque sculpture and painting.
9. To learn how to analyse architectural works.
10. To
promote the development of the core competences.
learning standards
- Feudalism in Europe.
- Chronology.
- Origin and expansion.
1. To
explain the origin of feudalism and know its scope and form of government.
1.1. Identifies the causes and scope of
- Feudal economy. The manor.
- Organisation.
- Work on the manor.
2. To know the manor, to
differentiate its parts and to explain its self-sufficiency.
2.1. Defines the components of a manor.
2.2. Explains the economic self-sufficiency of
the manor.
- Feudal society and dependent
- A society divided into estates.
- Dependent relationships.
3. To recognise the feudal
society and its dependent relationships.
3.1. Creates a medieval social pyramid.
- The noble estate: How nobles lived
4. To understand the noble
estate’s way of life.
4.1. Details the differences between higher
nobility and lower nobility.
- The clergy: How clerics lived
5. To understand the activities
of the Church and the clergy’s way of life.
5.1. Makes a diagram of the activities of the
5.2. Classifies the members of the clergy.
- The commoners’ or workers’ estate:
How peasants lived
6. To know the peasants’ way of
life, to know the village and its houses.
6.1. Analyses the peasants’ life.
6.2. Describes a village and its houses.
- Romanesque Art.
- Architecture.
7. To
know the basic features of Romanesque architecture.
7.1. Explains the characteristics of Romanesque
- Romanesque Art.
- Sculpture.
- Painting.
8. To recognise Romanesque
sculptures and paintings.
8.1. Analyses a Romanesque
sculpture and painting.
- Analysing works of art.
9. To
correctly analyse architectural works of art.
9.1. Analyses Romanesque
- Check your progress in the
development of the core competences.
10. Develops the core competences.
10.1. Develops the core