lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

Work for week March 30- April 2

Hello everyone, here you are the activities that you should do this week.

I hope everybody is alright.

You don´t need to send them to me but they sure need to be in your notebook. I will ask you to send me all the activities later on.

I am missing you very very very very very very much.

Is that clear? 

Remember you can always ask me questions by writing to my email.

We are going to continue on unit 6. Please copy questions and answers in yout notebook.

The Peninsular monarchies
Act. 3.1a  
Read 3.1. After that listen to this audio file.

Read point 3.1 in your book. I have detected the main ideas for you. You only have to set them in the form of a mind-map.

peninsular kings      power diminished by nobles (fiefdoms or manors) and cities

Differences in the authority the king had

Castilla       unitary monarchy      greater authority (king didn´t have to make pacts with Courts)

Crown of Aragon (Corona de Aragón)      Aragón, Catalonia, Mallorca, Valencia     each one had its own institutions

pact-based system (pactismo)

Act. 3.1b
Read The following texts and answer to the questions
1. 1 Alfonso X believed that the power of the king came from ...
1.2. Do you think people would respect more the authority of the king if they thought his power came from God? why?
1.3 Who is Pedro II talking to in text B?
1.4 What did the king of the Crown of Aragon have to do if he wanted to make a law in the Crown of Aragon?
1.5 How do we call the system by which the king had to make an agreement with "Las Cortes" of the different kingdoms to change laws?

2. Read the following text and take a look at the illustration to answer to the questions:

2.1 Who are those people marked with number 3 in the illustration? To what estates do they belong?
2.2 Where and when were the first Courts celebrated?
2.3 How did the king summon them to Courts?
2.4 Which were generally the intentions of the king when he summoned Courts?

Act. 3.2. Institutions: Curia, Courts and Councils
Listen to this audio file.

Act. 4.1 Council or municipal repopulation
Listen to this audio file.
Make a mind map in your notebook.

Act. 4.2. Repopulation by the military orders
Listen to this audio file.
Make a mind map in your notebook.

Act. 4.3 Repopulation by repartimiento
Listen to this audio file.
Make a mind map in your notebook.

Act. 4.4 Now, answer to the following questions:
a. What is a charter?
b. Where was the council repopulation used?
c. What did each council get?
d. Why did knights receive a larger plot of land?
e. Where was the repopulation by the military orders used? Why?
f. How did they call the territories that the military orders got?
g. Where was the repartimiento system used? did everybody receive plots of the same size? why?
h. Read this text about the Charter or Code of Cuenca and answer to the questions:

 h1. Did people owning a house in the city of Cuenca have to pay taxes?
h2. Did people living in the council of Cuenca have to pay when they inheritate anything?
h3. The city of Cuenca was given a very important privilege when they were allowed to celebrate a fair (feria). Why do you think it was so important for the city?

Act 4.5 Now describe the first map in page 119: Repopulation of the Peninsula
(Don´t forget to mention the different kingdoms in the Peninsula)

Act 4.6 Take a look at the map about the military orders.

a. Which were the main military orders in the Kingdom of Castilla?
b. By looking at the map, which areas of Castilla do you think were the most dangerous at the time? why?
b. Which were the main military orders in the Crown of Aragon?

sábado, 21 de marzo de 2020

Solutions to activities U. 6

Hi everyone!

Here you can find solutions to correct the activities that you did on unit 6. I made some audio files so you can easily listen to them if you are working only with the help of a celular phone or don´t have a very good conexion.

Kisses for all

Mil besos

Solutions to activity 1

Solutions to activity 2

Solutions to activity 2.3
Solutions to activity 2.4a

Solutions to activity 2.4b

Solution to mind-map conquests Crown of Aragon

Summary of points 1 and 2 of unit 6

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

¡Ánimo chic@s!

Tenéis que ir organizándoos.

Muchos no me habéis mandado el trabajo sobre "Changes in the High Middle Ages"... por favor, mandadlo en cuanto podáis.

Tenéis que seguir trabajando con el tema 6.

Espero que estéis bien.

Muchos besos

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

Unit 6. The Iberian Peninsula between the 11th and 13th centuries.



The Iberian Peninsula between the 11th and 13th centuries

Unit description

The unit devoted to the High Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula, following the same schedule used for the Early Middle Ages, is structured in two parts. The first one analyses the progressive decline of al-Andalus during the Taifa, Almoravid and Almohad periods; and their artistic expressions. the second part studies the consolidation and advance of the peninsular Christian Kingdoms: the territorial expansion of the different kingdoms; the political organisation and the introduction of new institutions such as Courts; the methods for repopulating territories conquered from al-Andalus; the social organisation; the cultural revival; the Gothic artistic expressions until the 13th century, and Mudejar art. The technique of creating an historical biography promotes the historian profession and allows increasing the knowledge of relevant characters of the corresponding historical time.
The various activities presented throughout the unit are designed to help students acquire knowledge on the following:
-  The political and territorial decline of al-Andalus (1031-1224). Artistic evolution.
-  Consolidation and advance of the Christian kingdoms.
-  Government and administration of the Christian kingdoms.
-  The repopulation of the conquered territory.
-  Economic activities of the Christian kingdoms.
-  Estate-based society and ways of life.
-  The culture and art of the Christian kingdoms. Gothic and Mudejar art.
-  The autonomous community between the 9th and 13th centuries.
-  How to create an historical biography.
-   Checking progress in the development of some core competences.


  1.  To explain al-Andalus historical and artistic evolution between 1031 and 1224.
  2.  To identify the foundations of the consolidation and advance of the Christian kingdoms.
  3.  To distinguish the differences existing in the government and administration of the Christian kingdoms.
  4.  To draw conclusions of the repopulation models.
  5.  To differentiate the economic activities of the Christian kingdoms.
  6.  To make interpretations on the three-estate system and the ways of life of each estate.
  7.  To make conceptual networks on peninsular Gothic art and Mudejar art.
  8.  To appreciate the historical singularity of their autonomous community between the 9th and 13th centuries.
  9.  To learn how to make an historical biography.
10.  To promote the development of the core competences.

In this unit we go back to the Iberian Peninsula for the period of the High Middle Ages.
Remember we have studied two civilisations sharing the space of the Peninsula: the Christian kingdoms in the north and Al Andalus in the south. 
In this period many changes ocurred: 
- Al Andalus suffers a period of instability due to the African invasions. New empires (the Almoravids and Almohads) invade the territory of Al Andalus.
- Christian kingdoms slowly advance in the territory.

Read carefully and copy questions and answers in your notebook.

Activities 1 and 2 should be done by next Friday March 20th. 
You don´t need to send them to me, but please, make them properly. I will ask you to do some activity (similar to the one you did for unit 5) to find out if you really understood what you studied. 

1. The political and territorial decline of Al Andalus
This is a period of decline and many changes in Al Andalus.
Read point 1 of your book and do the following exercises:

1.1 Answer these questions
a) Order the following and add the corresponding dates to each one: Nasrid Kingdom of Granada, second taifa period, first taifa period, Almoravid rule, Almohad rule, Battle of Navas de Tolosa, third taifa period
b) Make a timeline in your notebook (remember: landscape mode, scale, space for the Christian kingdoms)

1.2. Complete the following sentences to understand the first taifas period and the rule of the Almoravids
a) The first taifas period was a moment of decline in Al Andalus. Christian kings took advantage of it and ...
b) During this period Alfonso VI, king of León conquered ... in the year ...
c) The conquest of Toledo created great alarm among the Muslims of Al Andalus. That is why andalusians called the ... 
d) The Almoravids defeated Alfonso VI in the battle of ... and (although they had come to help the governorns of the Taifas) imposed their rule in Al Andalus.
e) One of the most outstanding features of Almoravids was their religious ... (they were not tolerant with Mozarabs and Jews)
f) By 1145 Almoravids had lost authority and disintegrated into the ...

1.3 Complete the following sentences to understand the first taifas period and the rule of the Almohads
a) While the Almoravids were ruling in the Iberian Peninsula a new tribe was gaining power in Africa. These peoples were the Almohads. In 1147 they entered in ... and implemented a greater ...
b) The battle of ... in year 1212 was decisive for the Christian kingdoms. Little by little the Almohad power declined and Al Andalus started a new ... period.
c) From year ... until year ... Muslims only ruled in a small territory in the peninsula. It was called the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. 

2. Consolidation and advance of the Christian kingdoms
During this period the situation in Al Andalus is not good. That is why Christian kingdoms take advantage of it (aprovechan) to gain some land to the Muslims. Only Navarra (it was called kingdom of Pamplona before) didn´t advance in the territory.

2.1 The Kingdoms of Castilla and León
Answer these questions:
a) What important event took place in 1230?
b) In year 1085 Alfonso VI, king of León, reached river ... 
c) In the 13th c., after defeating the ... in the Battle of Navas de Tolosa Castilla and León incorporated ... and ...  

Now look at the map in page 115
a) Read the legend carefully
b) Can you see the battle of Navas de Tolosa in the map? Where did it take place?
c) What important andalusian cities were conquered after that date?
d) Can you see the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada in the map? Which nowadays provinces did it include?

2.2 The Eastern states and kingdoms
Answer these questions:
a) What states did the Crown of Aragon include in 1137?
b) Make a simple mind-map of the conquest of the Crown of Aragon

2.3 The kingdom of Portugal
a) Which do you think is the most important idea of this text? 

2.4 Now do the following: 

a) How many states were there in the Iberian Peninsula by the end of the High Middle Ages? 
b) Describe the map in page 115.

3. Economic activities of the Christian kingdoms (Point 5 of your book)
3.1  The transhumance system (la trashumancia) and the Honourable Council of the Mesta (5.1 in your book)

Here you are an audio with some explanations. 

a) Explain what was the transhumance
b) Explain what was the Honourable Council of the Mesta.
c) Explain why transhumance was so important for the economy of Castilla.
d) Explain why did kings of Castilla protect the transhumance system.

3.2 The urban activities (5.2 in your book)
We will focus on trade which brings some news to both Castilla and the Crown of Aragón. (Trade and trade hubs in your book)

Here you are an audio with some explanations.  

a) Explain which were the areas in which trade developed in Castilla and what goods they imported and exported.
b) Which is the main geographical area in which the Crown of Aragon is trading during the High Middle Ages? (Take a look at map in page 121)

4. Estate-based society and ways of life. We are going to focus on some area we still didn´t speak about (6.3: Jews, Mudejars, vagrants and beggars)

Here you are an audio with some explanations. 
The estate-based society continues all throughout this period in the Iberian Peninsula (remember: privileged and non privileged people / separate estates determined by birth from which people could hardly escape). There were also some other groups living in the Iberian Peninsula. Listen to this audio to understand who they were and how they lived.

a) Define: aljamas, Mudejars
b) Which were the main professions of Jews during this period?

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020

¡¡¡Por favor revisad a qué dirección de correo estáis enviando los trabajos!!!!

Tenéis que tener cuidado al escribirla. Estáis enviando correos a otra persona que no soy yo.

Fijaos bien en el post en el que os pido la entrega de trabajo

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2020

Activities week 9-13th March. Main changes during the High Middle Ages

Hi dearest students,

This week you will have to make a very special exercise.

You will have to write a long extension text about the Main changes during the High Middle Ages. It will be, more or less, an organised summary of what we studied in unit 5.

Before doing so you should review everything we studied in the past weeks regarding unit 5.

You will have to follow the structure that we use all the time:

Introduction: explain the general context of the High Middle Ages (when, were, general overview of the previous situation)

Body of text: (use linking words Tiff tought us!!)

Use different paragraphs to explain the different areas that suffer major changes:

- Agriculture and agrarian techniques
- Population
- Parliaments
- Cities
- Society
- Crafts
- Trade
- New religiosity

Conclusion: you know there are many possibilities: summarize the most important ideas.

- Follow the structure
- Explain (not just name) every idea
- Use the key words of the unit
- Watch your spelling
- Send it to my email before Saturday 14th march (That means Friday is your last day to send it)
I have enabled comments in our blog, so you can also make questions or comment anything. Beware everybody will see it : )

Missing you already


Todos los alumnos de 2ESO que no tienen que ir a la recuperación final han recibido sus calificaciones en su dirección de correo electrónico...