A continuación os comunico cuáles van a ser los nuevos criterios de calificación y evaluación para nuestra asignatura.
Todas estas modificaciones se han hecho para tener en cuenta la peculiar situación de esta tercera evaluación del curso 1919-2020 y en consonancia con las indicaciones recibidas de la Consejería de Educación de Madrid.
Audio con aclaraciones
domingo, 26 de abril de 2020
Work for week 27th April-1st May
Helloooooo beautiful people!!!!
We are going to finish unit 6
You need to do activities 3.1, 3.2 and 4 and send them to me before Friday 1 May.
They are published here, in the post about unit 6.
We are going to finish unit 6
You need to do activities 3.1, 3.2 and 4 and send them to me before Friday 1 May.
They are published here, in the post about unit 6.
domingo, 19 de abril de 2020
Work for week 20-24 April
Dearest students,
There we go with new activities for this week.
1. Do activities 13.2 and 13.3 included in Unit 5 (already posted in our blog) and send them to me before Friday 24th 15:00h.
(Here is the link to the post of unit 5)
2. Now you can correct your table about the Romanesque and Gothic architecture yourselves by looking at this table I made for you. Click on this link. Of course I will no longer give you scores if you send this activity to me from now on.
3. Please take a look at a previous post: I cannot recognize some nicknames; please send me an email if you see your nickname in that post.
Only for those of you who didn´t make last week kahoots:
- You can take the kahoot of Unit 5 until Friday 24 April 15:00h. Here is your pin: 02871260
- You can take the kahoot of Unit 6 until Friday 24 April 15:00h. Here is your pin: 04385117
Most of you are doing a wonderful job : )
Many many many kisses
There we go with new activities for this week.
1. Do activities 13.2 and 13.3 included in Unit 5 (already posted in our blog) and send them to me before Friday 24th 15:00h.
(Here is the link to the post of unit 5)
2. Now you can correct your table about the Romanesque and Gothic architecture yourselves by looking at this table I made for you. Click on this link. Of course I will no longer give you scores if you send this activity to me from now on.
3. Please take a look at a previous post: I cannot recognize some nicknames; please send me an email if you see your nickname in that post.
Only for those of you who didn´t make last week kahoots:
- You can take the kahoot of Unit 5 until Friday 24 April 15:00h. Here is your pin: 02871260
- You can take the kahoot of Unit 6 until Friday 24 April 15:00h. Here is your pin: 04385117
Most of you are doing a wonderful job : )
Many many many kisses
viernes, 17 de abril de 2020
Problema con algunos nicknames
Hola preciosísim@s,
Muchos de vosotros habéis completado ya algún Kahoot.
Os pido que tengáis cuidado con los nicknames... me estoy volviendo más majareta de lo que ya estaba.
Aquellos que hayáis utilizado los nicknames que publico a continuación tenéis que escribirme a mi correo diciéndome quiénes sois. En el asunto ponéis: nickname kahoot ¿vale?
Los demás no tenéis que hacer nada más.
No sé quiénes son:
Muchos de vosotros habéis completado ya algún Kahoot.
Os pido que tengáis cuidado con los nicknames... me estoy volviendo más majareta de lo que ya estaba.
Aquellos que hayáis utilizado los nicknames que publico a continuación tenéis que escribirme a mi correo diciéndome quiénes sois. En el asunto ponéis: nickname kahoot ¿vale?
Los demás no tenéis que hacer nada más.
No sé quiénes son:
lunes, 13 de abril de 2020
Back to work after Easter Vacation. Work for week 14-17 April
-This is your pin 0978309
-You must identify yourselves with a nickname following this instructions: Your nickname will be as follows: (two first letters of your first name)+(two last letters of your last name)
My nickname would be: "panz".
-You can either download the application on your mobile phone or play in your web browser: https//:kahoot.it
- If you are using your phone, make sure it has full batteries.
- You must have your notebook and book with you when you complete this kahoots.
Got it??
You will get a grade for this exercise, so don´t forget to do it on time.
-Kahoot exercise must be completed before Thursday 16th 12:00 pm.
-This is your pin 01836321
- You must have your notebook and book with you when you complete this kahoots.
You will get a grade for this exercise, so don´t forget to do it on time.
Please, email me if you find any difficulties.
3. Here we go with a new explanation. It belongs to unit 5... we didn´t have time to do it in class so here we go with GOTHIC ART!!
a) You must listen to the audio files and look at the pictures at the same time to understand.
b) You have to listen to it several times and take notes (tomar apuntes) because I want you to make activity 13.1 of unit 5 after you finish listening (you can find it here)
You must send me your exercise before friday 17th April. You might want to try doing the table with word using "tables". Its quite easy if you do it that way, but you can also do it in paper and send me a picture (I recommend landscape mode : )
Audio 1. Gothic architecture.
Remembering Romanesque architecture and learning about the new style: Gothic
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Picture 1: Features of Romanesque architecture |
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Picture 2: Features of the Gothic architecture |
jueves, 2 de abril de 2020
Aviso importante para Geography and History 2 ESO
Como aún no sabemos cuándo volveremos a clase, el Departamento de Geografía e Historia del IES Luis García Berlanga está estudiando la posibilidad de hacer un cambio en los criterios de calificación de la asignatura para la tercera evaluación para dar más peso a la entrega de las actividades que aquella que figuraba en vuestras programaciones de inicio de curso.
Por ello os animamos a que os pongáis al día durante las vacaciones de Semana Santa terminando y entregando todas las actividades en la forma en la que os las haya pedido vuestro profesor.
Para evitar que se vayan acumulando temas, es probable también que empecemos a haceros exámenes online a través de aplicaciones como Kahoot. Deberíais descargároslo en vuestro móvil (es gratuito) así es que si tenéis alguna duda sobre el contenido de la asignatura, preguntad a vuestr@ profesor@.
No debéis preocuparos si ya estáis trabajando; entendemos que casi tod@s estáis trabajando muy bien y que estáis aprendiendo muchas cosas.
¡Mucho ánimo para tod@s!
Departamento de Geografía e Historia del IES Luis García Berlanga, Coslada.
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Entradas (Atom)
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