domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020

Work for week 25 May. Watch out, early due date!!!!

Hello everyone, this is our last week of work in the ordinary period. 
This will be the last activity included in the 3rd term.

I am waiting to receive instructions regarding activities for the extraordinary period so, please, keep an eye on our blog.

Aren´t you happy!?

Only one thing to do this week: 

1. Make this kahoot about what we have studied about The Late Middle Ages (unit 7) before Wednesday 27 May at 12:00pm (noon)

2B: Game PIN: 09842608
2C:Game PIN: 08481451
2D:Game PIN: 06988829 

Solo para los despistados que no hicieron algunos kahoots: 

Os envío un mensaje a vuestro correo electrónico si no hicisteis alguno de ellos.

Due date: Wednesday 27 May 12:00 pm (noon)

Gothic: Game PIN: 01419478
Economy and society: Game PIN: 09117781

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Todos los alumnos de 2ESO que no tienen que ir a la recuperación final han recibido sus calificaciones en su dirección de correo electrónico...