domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020

Work for week 4-8 May

Hello wonderful students!!!

You have some things to do:

1. This week you are going to take a Kahoot on Gothic art  (If you did the activities regarding architecture, sculpture and painting you are going to do very good : )
Please remember to use nicknames as I told you. Deadline to take it is Friday at 12:00 h.  

Game PIN for 2B: 04241975

Game PIN for 2C: 04940110

Game PIN for 2D: 04428021

2. You also have to do activities 1-4  regarding a new unit. 
You will find the activities in post about Unit 7: The Late Middle Ages. Crisis and recovery.
These activities must be in my email before Friday at 12:00h. 

2 comentarios:

  1. patricia, en lo del kahoot el nombre es el mismo que la ultima vez? lo de 2 letras de tu nombre y tus 2 ultimas del apellido. muchas gracias



Todos los alumnos de 2ESO que no tienen que ir a la recuperación final han recibido sus calificaciones en su dirección de correo electrónico...