Todos los alumnos de 2ESO que no tienen que ir a la recuperación final han recibido sus calificaciones en su dirección de correo electrónico.
Os he enviado, además, un formulario para que valoréis mi trabajo.
Muchas Gracias
viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020
domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020
Work for week 25 May. Watch out, early due date!!!!
Hello everyone, this is our last week of work in the ordinary period.
This will be the last activity included in the 3rd term.
I am waiting to receive instructions regarding activities for the extraordinary period so, please, keep an eye on our blog.
Aren´t you happy!?
Only one thing to do this week:
2B: Game PIN: 09842608
2C:Game PIN: 08481451
2D:Game PIN: 06988829
Solo para los despistados que no hicieron algunos kahoots:
Os envío un mensaje a vuestro correo electrónico si no hicisteis alguno de ellos.
Due date: Wednesday 27 May 12:00 pm (noon)
Gothic: Game PIN: 01419478
Economy and society: Game PIN: 09117781
This will be the last activity included in the 3rd term.
I am waiting to receive instructions regarding activities for the extraordinary period so, please, keep an eye on our blog.
Aren´t you happy!?
Only one thing to do this week:
1. Make this kahoot about what we have studied about The Late Middle Ages (unit 7) before Wednesday 27 May at 12:00pm (noon)
2B: Game PIN: 09842608
2C:Game PIN: 08481451
2D:Game PIN: 06988829
Solo para los despistados que no hicieron algunos kahoots:
Os envío un mensaje a vuestro correo electrónico si no hicisteis alguno de ellos.
Due date: Wednesday 27 May 12:00 pm (noon)
Gothic: Game PIN: 01419478
Economy and society: Game PIN: 09117781
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020
Estimad@s alumn@s de la asignatura de Geography and History 2 ESO
Os hago llegar este mensaje para informaros de cuestiones muy importantes para los alumnos que hayan suspendido la primera y/o la segunda evaluación.
1. Como sabéis, aquellos que al acabar la tercera evaluación no tengan una nota media del curso superior al 5 tendrán dos nuevas oportunidades para aprobar.
- La primera oportunidad es la recuperación final, en la que os examinaréis de los contenidos de las evaluaciones que hayáis suspendido. Dicho examen de recuperación final tendrá lugar entre el lunes 1 de junio y el 3 de junio (dependiendo del grupo en el que estés)
Los que hayáis suspendido evaluaciones anteriores tendréis que ir estudiando ya para poder estar preparados (es difícil que superéis la asignatura aunque tengáis una buena nota en 3ª evaluación si vuestras notas de la 1ª y la 2ª eran muy bajas, haced vuestros cálculos o escribidme). De cualquier forma yo os comunicaré lo antes posible tanto el resultado de la 3ª evaluación como vuestra nota media de curso.
- La segunda oportunidad será la evaluación extraordinaria, cuya fecha exacta aún no se ha fijado, pero que se realizará probablemente durante la semana del 8-12 de junio. Los que acudáis a este examen por no haber superado el de recuperación final os tendréis que examinar de todos los contenidos del curso.
Os hago llegar este mensaje para informaros de cuestiones muy importantes para los alumnos que hayan suspendido la primera y/o la segunda evaluación.
1. Como sabéis, aquellos que al acabar la tercera evaluación no tengan una nota media del curso superior al 5 tendrán dos nuevas oportunidades para aprobar.
- La primera oportunidad es la recuperación final, en la que os examinaréis de los contenidos de las evaluaciones que hayáis suspendido. Dicho examen de recuperación final tendrá lugar entre el lunes 1 de junio y el 3 de junio (dependiendo del grupo en el que estés)
Los que hayáis suspendido evaluaciones anteriores tendréis que ir estudiando ya para poder estar preparados (es difícil que superéis la asignatura aunque tengáis una buena nota en 3ª evaluación si vuestras notas de la 1ª y la 2ª eran muy bajas, haced vuestros cálculos o escribidme). De cualquier forma yo os comunicaré lo antes posible tanto el resultado de la 3ª evaluación como vuestra nota media de curso.
- La segunda oportunidad será la evaluación extraordinaria, cuya fecha exacta aún no se ha fijado, pero que se realizará probablemente durante la semana del 8-12 de junio. Los que acudáis a este examen por no haber superado el de recuperación final os tendréis que examinar de todos los contenidos del curso.
domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020
Work for week 18-22 May
Hello, wonderful people!!!
This week we are continuing with unit 7 about the Late Middle Ages. We are studying a bit of what happened in the Nasrid kingdom as well as some important features of the politics in the Christian kingdoms in that period.
You will have to do activities 6 and 7 of unit 7 (already published).
Please make sure that you start soon enough to send me homework complete before 22 May at 12:00 pm (noon)
This week we are continuing with unit 7 about the Late Middle Ages. We are studying a bit of what happened in the Nasrid kingdom as well as some important features of the politics in the Christian kingdoms in that period.
You will have to do activities 6 and 7 of unit 7 (already published).
Please make sure that you start soon enough to send me homework complete before 22 May at 12:00 pm (noon)
lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020
Work for week 11-14 May
Hello again, beautiful people!!
Have you already gone out for a walk?... You should : )
2 activities for this week + a new opportunity for those who didn´t do the kahoot on Gothic
1. You are going to take a Kahoot to finish unit 6. It´s about economy and society in the High Middle Ages
Game PIN for 2B: 05730887
Game PIN for 2C: 01613135
Game PIN for 2D: 06755913
2. We continue with unit 7.
This is your turn to do a little research on the Black Death. Do activity 5 of unit 7 (already published in our blog)
All these activities and the kahoot must be done and turned in before Thursday 14th at 12:00 pm.
Only for those of you who did not take the Kahoot on Gothic Art last week you have a new oportunity to do it!!!
Please remember to use nicknames as I told you. Deadline to take it is Thursday at 12:00 h.
Game PIN for 2B: 09109405
Game PIN for 2C: 09035413
Game PIN for 2D: 02456594
Have you already gone out for a walk?... You should : )
2 activities for this week + a new opportunity for those who didn´t do the kahoot on Gothic
1. You are going to take a Kahoot to finish unit 6. It´s about economy and society in the High Middle Ages
Game PIN for 2B: 05730887
Game PIN for 2C: 01613135
Game PIN for 2D: 06755913
2. We continue with unit 7.
This is your turn to do a little research on the Black Death. Do activity 5 of unit 7 (already published in our blog)
All these activities and the kahoot must be done and turned in before Thursday 14th at 12:00 pm.
Only for those of you who did not take the Kahoot on Gothic Art last week you have a new oportunity to do it!!!
Please remember to use nicknames as I told you. Deadline to take it is Thursday at 12:00 h.
Game PIN for 2B: 09109405
Game PIN for 2C: 09035413
Game PIN for 2D: 02456594
domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020
Work for week 4-8 May
Hello wonderful students!!!
You have some things to do:
1. This week you are going to take a Kahoot on Gothic art (If you did the activities regarding architecture, sculpture and painting you are going to do very good : )
Please remember to use nicknames as I told you. Deadline to take it is Friday at 12:00 h.
Game PIN for 2B: 04241975
Game PIN for 2C: 04940110
Game PIN for 2D: 04428021
2. You also have to do activities 1-4 regarding a new unit.
You will find the activities in post about Unit 7: The Late Middle Ages. Crisis and recovery.
These activities must be in my email before Friday at 12:00h.
You have some things to do:
1. This week you are going to take a Kahoot on Gothic art (If you did the activities regarding architecture, sculpture and painting you are going to do very good : )
Please remember to use nicknames as I told you. Deadline to take it is Friday at 12:00 h.
Game PIN for 2B: 04241975
Game PIN for 2C: 04940110
Game PIN for 2D: 04428021
2. You also have to do activities 1-4 regarding a new unit.
You will find the activities in post about Unit 7: The Late Middle Ages. Crisis and recovery.
These activities must be in my email before Friday at 12:00h.
Unit 7. The Late Middle Ages. Crisis and recovery
Act.1 Copy these mind-maps in your notebook. I am sure you can do better than me (but I thought you might be missing my drawings).
![]() |
Mind-map 1. An introduction to the whole unit |
![]() |
Mind-map 2. Europe in the 14th and 15th c. |
Act.2 Once you have copied the mind-maps, listen to this audios with some explanations. (Take little notes in your mind-map where necessary)
Audio: Introduction of unit 7 (mind-map1)
Audio: Europe during the Late Middle Ages (mind-map 2)
Act.3 Which centuries do the Late Middle Ages comprise?
Act.4 Write a text that explains both mind-maps (You already know this: intro/body/conclusion)
- Mind-map 1 is the Introduction to the unit
- Mind-map 2 is the part of the unit related to Europe
Act. 5. Research on the Black Death
You will have to research to find the most important features to this event that was one of the most important epidemics of the past.
- You can start by reading your textbook (pages 132-133)
- After that go to page 145 to find the structure that your report should have "Presenting a report"
- Once you have done those you can start your research. There are tons of videos, magazines and articles in the Internet that will be useful. Your book gives you some ideas on where to start.
- When you start reading about this plague you will probably start making questions to yourself; try to answer to those questions in your report. (Where did it come from?, why did so many people die?, why did it spread so fast?, what symptoms did people have?, is it similar to the epidemic we are living today? ...)
- Of course it would be fantastic to see pictures or maps that illustrate the topic.
- You can turn in it in the way that is most convenient to you (picture of the notebook to my email or drive, etc)
- I want to remind you that if you copy literally from the Internet or from any other source I will not be able to accept your work.
The late Middle Ages in Al-Andalus. The Nasrid kingdom
Act. 6. Listen to this audio and then copy the mind-map. If you have any problem with the audio try this link.
You have to incorporate to your mind-map some information that is missing in it (some of the information you may find in my audio, but you might have to do some research to find some other answers : )
- Why did the Nasrid kingdom have internal conflicts?
- why did they have a flourishing economy?
- which circumstances enabled the Nasrid kingdom to survive for so long?
- What is the Alhambra?
- Why and how did Al Andalus finally disappear?
![]() |
Mind-map 3. The Late Middle Ages in al-Andalus. The Nasrid Kingdom of Granada |
The Late Middle Ages in the Christian kingdoms (I) Politics
We are going to pay attention now to the Christian kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula during the 14th and 15th c.
Act. 7. 1 Listen to this audio and then copy the mind-map. If you have any problem with the audio try this link.
You have to incorporate to your mind-map some information that is missing in it (some of the information
Act. 7.2 Write a text to explain the mind-map
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Todos los alumnos de 2ESO que no tienen que ir a la recuperación final han recibido sus calificaciones en su dirección de correo electrónico...
Activities: 1. Describe a Muslim city. (Read page 36-37) a) Start by the general features and functions. b) Name and br...
UNIT PRESENTATION Title The High Middle Ages. Urban renaissance Unit description This unit analyses the changes experienced by fe...
Act.1 Copy these mind-maps in your notebook. I am sure you can do better than me (but I thought you might be missing my drawings). ...